A quick guide to the type of medical certificates you need before you can fly.

There will be three types of medical certificate under the new regulations.

1. Class 1

2. Class 2

3. LAPL.

Essentially commercial pilots will require the class one medical and private pilots will require a class two or the LAPL certificate depending on the type of aircraft they fly. As a trainee or prospective pilot the type of licence you require really depends on what type of flying you intend to do.

The light aircraft Pilot licence (LAPL) is similar to the old National Private Pilot Licence (NPPL). This allows the pilot to fly aircraft not exceeding 2000kg max take off mass registered in the UK . 

Class one can only be obtained by attending the CAA medical facility at Gatwick.

Class two certificates are obtained from registered Aeromedical Examiners (AMEs) listed on the CAA website at www.caa.co.uk. They are usually General Practitioners who have additional training in aviation medicine and have authorisation to issue certificates on behalf of the CAA. The website lists AMEs on a regional database and there are plenty in Scotland. Class two certificates are required for private pilot licences issued under EASA rules and may in some circumstances include an EEG and specialist report.

There is an interesting system in place where the doctor enters information into a live computer system that is connected to the CAA. This includes the EEG readout, which as long as no anomalies show up is approved by the computer / specialist at Gatwick. In the event of certain parameters being met the EEG print will be sent to a local consultant for review. If all goes well then you get your medical certificate at the end of the appointment.

JAR –FCL medical certificates will no longer be issued as the transfer to the EASA equivalent was completed in September 2017.  

Under EU legislation all aircraft are deemed to be EASA aircraft unless;

They are used for military, police, customs, search and rescue, fire fighting or coastguard duties. They are called “State” aircraft as they are operated by government agencies.


They are specified in “Annexe 2 “of the legislation. Annexe 2 aircraft are broadly speaking;

1. Microlights

2. Light Gyroplanes.

3. Amateur built. (Kit aircraft need to be supplied less than 49% complete.)

4. Ex military aircraft.

5. Foot launched aircraft.

6. Vintage aircraft. (Designed before 1951 and not produced after 1975.)

EASA aircraft require a certificate of airworthiness issued by the CAA and EASA aircraft pilots require a medical certificate as described above.

In order to fly a non EASA type you will still need a medical declaration which lays out specific criteria and is signed by your own doctor. There will probably be a small fee for this service. The form itself is obtained from the CAA, your GP will almost certainly not have a supply or even have seen one unless they happen to be an approved AME. The criteria are broadly the same as those for a professional driving licence for a bus or heavy goods vehicle.

This standard also applies to gliders.

On first application the medical certificate acts as a provisional pilots licence when under the supervision of an "Approved Training Organisation" flying school.

As with the licence itself it is well worth speaking to your club or instructor before making any expensive commitments to a particular type of licence or medical certificate.

The new rules state that no medical restrictions will be shown in your licence, only on the medical certificate itself. This may well take the form of a self adhesive label which is pasted in your pilot’s log book especially in the case of the declaration.

medical certificate to home.